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Are you looking for a comfortable chair that will take care of the correct posture during many hours of gaming sessions in front of the computer? Meet the Genesis Nitro 720. Universal gaming chair with adjustable elements, made of durable, breathable material. Forget about body pain with Genesis Nitro 720 and focus on what really matters.

Convenience in every situation

Genesis 720 is a response to the needs of players who struggle not only with back pain, but also with incorrect posture whilst gaming. A wide seat filled with foam resistant to deformation, and durable profiled backrest are two key elements of the chair where we paid special attention. All this to provide you with full comfort, without the pressure and pain that badly affects your concentration and results in the game. 

Lean back and relax

The fully adjustable backrest is a big advantage of the Genesis Nitro 720. It allows you to quickly change the position of the spine. It's not only good for your health, but also very comfortable and pleasant. It will allow you to relax, as well as relaxing your back whilst taking a break from the game.

Your hands in perfect position

3D armrests have become an indispensable element of Genesis Nitro 720. You can easily adjust their height, extension, and direction. Convenience and comfort? You can count on it thanks to the soft finish.

Looking after your health

Do you want to rest your head comfortably? The included soft cushion in the colour of the chair will allow you to do so. Furthermore, the lumbar pillow will take care of proper positioning of the lower part of the spine, a body part that is particularly exposed to pain.

Sit the way you like

You'll love the versatility of the Genesis Nitro 720. It owes its properties to fully adjustable elements. In addition to the backrest tilt function and armrest adjustment, you can also easily adjust the seat height to your own height and desk height. Rocking mechanism delivers extra comfort, relaxing and stimulating the existing muscles as easy as never before.

Stable and durable

We know how important endurance is. It is thanks to it, that you can enjoy the chair for many years. That's why the Genesis Nitro 720 is equipped with a metal, 5-arm base. We also took care of strengthening the seat. Instead of traditional solutions, we used strong support belts, meaning you do not have to worry about the fact that the seat or other elements will lose their properties.

Soft, breathable material

Are you tired of leather finishes and are looking for an armchair that will provide you with full ventilation? Both the seat and backrest of the Genesis Nitro 720 are made of fabric that is pleasant to touch. In addition to excellent elasticity, it gives good ventilation and brings comfort of use in all conditions.

Beyond smooth

Move the Genesis Nitro 720 around easily with 60mm CareGlide™ wheels, coated with a special layer that prevents scratching floors and delivering smooth movement on any surface.

Technické údaje
20 kg
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